Our Markets
As a wholesale and foreign trade company, we create trade links to markets that the manufacturers themselves cannot efficiently supply. In doing so, the following focal points are crucial for us:
Through our ever-expanding trade network, we help manufacturers tap into new sales markets and, to the same extent, help our buyers procure goods from all over the world.
We assume some of the legal, financial, and operational risks that can arise when entering new markets.
Through experience, good contacts, and targeted training, we handle complex export transactions with routine. In this way, we achieve cost savings from which our trading partners benefit.

USA & Europe
Winter, Reisner & Co maintains excellent relationships with trading partners throughout the Western Hemisphere. We support these partners in procuring trade goods, establishing new trade structures as well as in the classical wholesale and foreign trade business.
Maritime Markets
Cruise and passenger ferry travel are gaining popularity among travelers and are increasingly important sectors in the tourism industry. That is why supplying shipping companies with goods for restaurant operations, on-board hotel business, and sales in on-board boutiques is a business segment with excellent growth potential for us.
Emerging Markets​
For over 90 years, we have gathered experience and built contacts in countries now called "emerging markets." Our most important target regions include Africa and Asia. For us, success in the emerging markets of these regions depends on an enlightened approach to the particular risks involved.
Risk Management in Emerging Markets​
Due to cultural, structural, and legal differences, business with emerging markets entails particular business risks. We apply clear approaches to efficiently address these circumstances.

Krohnskamp 60-62
22301 Hamburg
Tel +49 40 650 33 69 0
Fax +49 40 650 33 69 31
Email: info@winterreisner.com